It was born as a small Osteria, daily reference point for travelers and villagers who gathered here to taste the traditional dishes of the Marche cuisine or for a snack with friends, following the television and radio broadcasts of the time.
The menu satisfies all palates with regional appetizers, first courses such as the famous wild boar or truffle-based sauce and, finally, the undisputed star, his majesty, the grilled meat. Once inside the restaurant, it is impossible not to notice the historic fireplace with embers that is always lit every day of the year.
La Marchigiana
Rendi speciale il tuo evento grazie al catering straordinario de ""La Marchigiana"": dalla raffinatezza di ogni portata alla cura dei dettagli, offri ai tuoi ospiti un’esperienza senza confronti.
Vieni a scoprire il Menu che abbiamo pensato per te con piatti che fondono insieme tradizione e innovazione, trasformando ogni boccone in un’esplosione di sapori unici e autentici.
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